Welcome to https://www.skillbill.it/. We understand that privacy online is important to users of our Site. This statement governs our privacy policies with respect to those users of the Site.

General Data Protection Regulation n. 679/2016

This document clarifies who uses your personal data, how they use them and what your rights are.

By personal data, the law means all information that identifies or makes identifiable a natural person and that can provide details about their characteristics, habits, lifestyle, personal relationships, health status, economic situation, etc..

In particular, the data that you are authorizing to process are:

  • Personal data: personal data: such as name, surname, address, telephone number and in general all that is useful and necessary both for the provision of the service and for legal obligations.
  • Navigation data, the user’s habits or other information known in the course of the relationship and acquired directly or indirectly from the user’s behavior.

You can contact the owner of the treatment​ (Francesco Ciacca) through the email info@skillbill.it to ask for any information regarding your personal data.

Purpose​ : We need your personal information:

  1. for the use of the services we offer, such as training paths and consulting services;
  2. to fulfill contractual obligations related to the services provided, e.g. to contact you in order to provide you with assistance on the services we offer
  3. to fulfill regulatory obligations related to the services, such as the storage of accounting data or information that various regulations require us to store;
  4. to contact you through mailing lists or other channels in order to keep you updated on our service offerings;
  5. to monitor your behaviour and your modus operandi when you interact with us and with our communication channels;
  6. for statistical and scientific purposes useful for national and international research activities
  7. for the creation of promotional campaigns.
  1. a ​ contract ​ entered into for the provision of the service that without the information communicated for the purposes of points 1)-2)-3) could not be provided;
  2. your consent​ given at the time of signing and valid for all purposes from 1) to 7);
  3. a ​ regulatory obligation​ relating to the purposes 1) 2) and 3) with specific constraints on the storage and traceability of data in order to manage the relationship with you,which may also require a higher or lower level of detail depending on the type of service used;
  4. a legitimate interest that concerns the need to ​ protect the use of our services​ from possible abuse or incorrect use by users and in general to optimize the service provided to customers.

The following information concerns the purposes 1), 2), 3), 5) 6).

  • a legitimate interest related to the use of ​ marketing data​ and ​ profiling ​ useful to optimize the communication and delivery of services connected to the purposes 4), 5) and 7).
  • a legitimate interest related to​ scientific research​ related to the purpose 6) that allows to improve the services by collecting data in the field also thanks to your help.
  • Obligation to communicate​ : your data are fundamental so that you can use the services and if you do not give your consent or if you communicate them incompletely or incorrectly, this will make it impossible to provide the same, this is related to the purposes 1), 2) and 3). On the other hand, data related to commercial contacts or promotional activities are optional and you can deny your consent, specifically for the purposes 4), 5) and 7).
  • Recipients​ : your personal data will also be used by systems such as Google, Esri Arcgis, Microsoft Azure, Google, Apple, Stripe, Hotjar or others in order to better operate in the provision of services.

Duration of storage

The period of treatment will be the one necessary for the provision of the contracted service(s) and up to 2 (two) years from its end, but we advise you to check the extended information as it may vary by type of contracted service. In addition to these times, there are other legal obligations that extend the storage of data relating to the accounting aspects of the relationship to 10 (ten) years. Regarding commercial and marketing information, for these data there is a legitimate interest as described above, so at your request will be subject to a process of anonymization or pseudonymization, but will not be removed from the system. Last instance concerns scientific data for which there is a further legitimate interest and for these the storage and processing are connected to a process of anonymization or pseudonymization that will feed them into algorithms and systems for optimizing the services provided, becoming essential elements of what is provided, so they will not be deleted.

User Rights

Through the contacts provided above, you can assert your rights (art. 15-20 of EU Regulation 2016/679):

  • access, correct or update your personal data;
  • block or restrict its use;
  • delete your personal data in part or in full;
  • request the portability of your data
  • Possibility to Complain​ : remember that you can propose a petition to the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data (www.garanteprivacy.it) by exercising your right through the different channels to complain.

Revocation of Consent​ : If your processing is based on your consent, you have the full right to revoke it at any time with a simple and clear communication using the contacts above indicators. You should know that if there are other legal bases for that purpose, it will be possible that some or all of the data will be retained to fulfill the obligations.

User profiling​ : with your personal data we will try to understand your behaviors and habits in order to define a profile about you.

Automated processing​ : your personal data will not be used with a tool that provides an automated evaluation process to which you can object.

Know that they will be treated with both electronic and paper tools, with different elements of complexity depending on the type of service you contracted.

Transfer of data to a third country​ : your data will be communicated outside Europe for some treatments carried out for marketing services and also for some services, but only by suppliers who comply with the conditions of guarantees provided by art. 46 and following. Your personal data will be used in compliance with what was previously written, if the opportunity to use them differently will be contacted to grant permission.

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